Saturday, February 15, 2014

Protein Bar review: OhYeah Victory Bar

As you probably have guessed by now, I love a good protein bar in my life. Yes, I would rather be eating my own, knowing that every ingredient is Lindsey approved, but sometimes that just can't happen. 

And because of this, I still love to spend an laughable amount of time perusing the protein bars in grocery stores. Because I know you're wondering, my process is this:

- I start at one end of the aisle, and pick up the first protein bar that I would possibly consider purchasing.
- I read the ingredients and then pick up another protein bar to compare.
- I compare things like protein amounts (I prefer higher), calories (between 150-250), sugar (between 3-10 grams, depending on calories), fat (I prefer lower 3-7 grams), and then the specifics on things like protein sources, sugar sources, and overall ingredients.
- As I find the winner, I will put back the loser and then pick up another and start the process all over again. 

Sounds SO fun right?! Maybe you'll try it one day. But really, I can't attempt making protein bars without trying other ones - so I like to chalk it up to research and development.

Anyways, the other day I found the Victory bar by OhYeah! Nutrition at my local Vitamin Shoppe. I hated spending $2.60 on one protein bar, but I "needed" something before work and I was intrigued by the nutrition facts.

First, 200 calories. In my opinion this is the perfect size for a protein bar. That way I can enjoy it alone or pair it with some raw vegetables and call it a meal. 

Second, 21 grams of protein. That's quite a lot for a 200 calorie protein bar - so it caught my eye.

Third, 20 grams of dietary fiber. This was the biggest stand out, most protein bars aren't worried about fiber, and they usually don't have more that 4 or 5 grams. 

Fourth, 8 grams of sugar. Now, that's nearing the higher end of my standards, but I was willing to let it slide for all of the other things it had going on. I'm not sure why the fitness industry insists on thinking that all of these people who trying to be fit and watch what that eat need sugar in the protein bars. In my opinion, quit putting sugar in the bars and you will be in high demand. Do so see what these body builders, fitness competitors, and other health enthusiasts do to themselves as far as eating and discipline? I think we'd all be ok if it didn't taste like a piece of candy.

Fifth, the size! Most 200 calorie bars are smallish, and they don't feel like you're really eating anything portion wise. This one has at least a few inches on most other protein bars in the 200 calorie range - size does matter for protein bars, at least for me anyways. 

I was too quick to eat it and didn't snap a pic - I borrowed this from Moms RUN this town. If you don't like my review, you can hop over there and see what they think too!

Now, the texture was interesting - something I wasn't expecting. The bar is bendy, like a thick playdoh, and it doesn't have a crunch or crumbly aspect to it at all. I actually don't mind that - if I want crunch I can eat some celery. Post eating, I felt full and satisfied, and I stayed that way for about 3 hours (not that I would wait more than 3 hours to eat again, that's just silly).

I won't pay over $2.50 for the bar again though, so off I scurried to Amazon for better deals. And there it was! A box of 12 chocolate chip cookie dough Victory bars for only $18.28 -- that's only $1.53 per bar! Not too shabby, plus I have Amazon Prime so it was free 2-day shipping. Winning.

They have 4 flavors: almond vanilla, chocolate chip cookie dough, fudge brownie, and peanut butter chip. I have tried chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter chip so far... and so far so good!

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