Friday, November 1, 2013

Cardio-palooza, 7 day challenge

Sometimes I just need some cardio to cleanse my body. And "sometimes" just might happen to fall on the day after Halloween. You do the math - I ate candy. Just because they are the mini candy bars doesn't mean they don't count as calories!

Enter, cardio-palooza. This challenge will be 7 days of what I like to call "wake up and cardio". AKA cardio before I do or eat anything...except drink coffee. The first thing I do after waking will always be drink coffee. It is simply in the best interest of the world.

I have read many articles on the benefits of doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach vs. eating before. Why? Cause I love this reading about this stuff. Some say cardio on an empty stomach is better for fat burning because you are in a "fasted state". Some say you can't go as long because you are tired or weak. I say do what feels right for you.

I love getting up and sweating before I eat. After my first cup of coffee, I find I have plenty of energy. So do what will ensure completion of the workout. If that mean eating 5 donuts, then so be it. Although I don't recommend that, simply because you may puke from all the jumping around that this workout is requiring.

I am making these workouts up, so if you don't like it, then we may not be future workout buddies. Can't win them all! Modify how you want, and good luck if you are following along!

My favorite workout tool is the Gymboss interval timer, Amazon has some great deals on it. You can set a "work" and "rest" time for whatever you want, and it will beep when that said interval is up. Perfect for this workout!

If you don't have one and need some help finding one, here is a website that essentially does the same thing: online interval timer. Good luck!

Day 1:
It was just what I needed, 45 min of work and sweat!

No workout would be complete without a protein shake after it!! PS - wondering how I carry around all of my mason jars? Like this. 

 Now on to the protein shake. 1 cup of milk of your choice. It's always almond milk for me!

1 scoop of protein powder of your choice. I love egg white protein powder, specifically Jay Robb's.

Some banana (frozen for a thicker smoothie), and 1T of cocoa powder, to up the chocolatey flavor. I always want to up the chocolatey flavor, no matter what it is.

And some ice! Oh, and a vitamin would be ideal, but any blender will do I suppose :).

Then blend and dump! Just don't do what I did and try to dump too fast. This is what happens. When this happened, you would think someone just died. Darwin even came running to see what I was yelling about, and he isn't one to move off the couch unless he is getting to go play outside.

Not to worry though! After the spill happened, this happened. And all was right in the world again! Good thing I had just washed the cutting board...this would have been a questionable move if I hadn't. My dad is reading this thinking it was a questionable move either way, but hey, protein powder is expensive!

For some extra nutrition, I like to add 1/2 T of whole flaxseed and 1/2 T of whole chia seed. Gotta get my healthy fats in.

And last but not least, 1/3 cup of old fashioned oats. That way it is a complete meal of protein and carbs, right in one jar.


  1. I do the same thing, but I do PB2 (powdered peanut butter) to get more protein instead of protein powder,and I put in about 2 cups of spinach as well. Best breakfast ever :)

  2. Ah yes Lauren! I LOVE PB2, I buy it by the pound on Amazon...most of the time the 6 lb case is the best deal. I need to try spinach in mine - I have leaving greens out only because I normally do a green smoothie every day too, but you can never get enough!
